ah, siamese twins...

naturally, since i nabbed this neocities url*, i would find it out-of-character to not dedicate a page to talking about siamese cats. they're wonderful! :-3 (i write this feeling guilty, like im cheating on my cat somehow. but i love him to bits and he IS my favorite) i want to get really good at distinguishing siamese cats from other color-pointed cats, because coloquially siamese is a synonym for colorpoint (whenever i see a colorpoint cat, i'm like ah! siamese... unless they're long haired). color pointilism is a form of partial albinism dependent on body temperature!

Point coloration in cats originated in the Siamese and closely related Asian breeds, and is found in many Western-developed modern breeds. It is a form of partial albinism resulting from a mutation that affects tyrosinase, an enzyme involved with melanin production. The mutated enzyme is thermolabile; it fails to work at normal body temperatures, but becomes active in cooler areas of the skin.[1] As a result, dark pigment is limited to the coldest areas of the body, that is, the extremities. Pointed kittens are born white, since the womb is uniformly warm. As the kitten ages, the cooler areas darken while warmer areas remain cream to white in color.

this is why as siamese cats get older, you often see the darker parts expand in size. it's really interesting seeing some siamese cats whose tails and only about half their feet are dark, and others who have the dark fur creep to their upper back / upper thigh area... wow! this color can also change due to:

pepsi got put in the fridge :( please do not do this to your cat! on another note, tabby colorpoints are really interesting, look at that pattern on pepsi's back...!

The Siamese cat comes in two distinct variations: traditional, with an apple-shaped head and a slightly chubby body; or the modern Siamese, which are very skinny and have a wedge-shaped head.

example of a modern siamese

All are external links which will open in a new tab!

Cat Stuff
Hobby site with tons of cute cat-themed web graphics, trivia, anecdotes and poetry, folklore, and cat-themed printable media. So many fun pages to explore!

Tresor Siamese Cats
Website of Annabel, a California-based breeder who specializes in Siamese and Balinese cats. Here you can find Siamese & Balinese cat history, color points, and other interesting information.

Life with Siamese Cats
Another site specializing in Siamese cats! This site has sections for Siamese color points, body shapes, behaviors, and history. It also has a section on caring for your cat, and a blog that is updated fairly often.